
HR ADMIN SUMMIT 2024 by Ms Tammy Jordan. March 14, 2024 The administrative assistant and HR team of the collection company of our organization gathered together to expand the knowledge and understanding of their scope of work and to make sure that we as your Back office...

ECBSI General Assembly 2022 Dinadiawan Beach Resort, Baler Aurora May 13 to 15 2022 It was an exhilarating experience that brought our team together in a spirit of unity and celebration. Through engaging discussions and fun activities, we learned the power of teamwork, continuous learning, and resilience in...

Christmas Party 2021 was a pivotal moment for the Elite team, offering a chance to honor our collective triumphs and perseverance. It fostered stronger connections among team members and instilled a renewed sense of purpose and solidarity as we celebrated our achievements together.   [sp_wpcarousel id="1250"]...